cctv大楼 北京cctv大楼

cctv大楼 北京cctv大楼

What is CCTV Building?

CCTV Building is a landmark building in Beijing, China. The building is the headquarters of China Central Television (CCTV) Network, and it is also known as the CCTV Tower.

What is the Design of CCTV Building?

The CCTV Building is designed by Rem Koolhaas and Ole Scheeren of the architectural firm OMA. The building is shaped like a loop, and it is 234 meters (768ft) tall. The building has two towers that are connected by a cantilevered section that has a width of 75 meters (246ft).

What is Inside the CCTV Building?

The CCTV Building has a variety of functions, including television studios, offices, and a hotel. The building has three main sections: the TV production zone, the broadcasting zone, and the administration zone. The TV production zone is located in the cantilever section, and the broadcasting zone is located in the two towers.

What is Special about CCTV Building?

The CCTV Building is not only an architectural marvel but also a structure that incorporates advanced technology. The building has a façade that is covered in glass panels and has an intelligent lighting system. The building also has a unique structure that makes it resistant to earthquakes. Additionally, CCTV Building is a symbol of China's emerging power and a reflection of the country's commitment to innovation and progress.

What is the Impact of CCTV Building on Beijing?

The CCTV Building has become an iconic landmark in Beijing and a popular tourist attraction. The building has also served as an inspiration for other architects and designers. The building has helped to promote China's image as a modern and innovative country. The CCTV Building has also played a significant role in promoting the development of the service industry in Beijing.


In conclusion, CCTV Building is an iconic building that represents China's innovative spirit and commitment to progress. The building is not only a symbol of China's emerging power but also an architectural masterpiece that incorporates advanced technology. The building has become a landmark of Beijing and a source of inspiration for architects and designers around the world.

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